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Harley D. Perez
Digital Artist

Harley D. Perez

Digital Artist


Harley Davidson Perez born Aug.12.1993 is a NYC artist who specializes in creating from his subconscious mind. From constant hours of making art he developed a method to ensure he never gets artist block again, he simply creates with no tactical concept in mind and could not stress how important it was that he did this habitually everyday.
“When I create , I just sort of let my spirit flow , hardly any planning goes into it.”
His favorite mediums to use are pen and paper. But he often experiments with others such as pastels, paper mach’e, oil/acrylic paint and more.
He wants the audience to use each piece and reflect on what it is they think, see, and feel. For life is a sea of perception and art is subjective to the viewer.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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