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Daisy Hatwell
Digital Artist

Daisy Hatwell

Digital Artist


I was born in Brussels in the year 2000, to expat parents. My life was easy, or at least relatively uncomplicated until I was 14, when I experienced a psychotic episode and was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 15. I began experimenting more with different art forms around age 13, sound collages, naive digital collage and video edits such as Youtube Poops, a genre found online which “remix” existing content such as cartoons and typically try to create a humorous and strange narrative from the clips. After this, I completed a Film and Television course at my college in the UK. I never felt I had a place in the arts world, though, until I began experimenting with static images again, now with a higher appreciation for visual arts, as well as an expanded knowledge on how to use programs such as Krita. I have used my experiences with psychosis and derealisation as a source of inspiration, as well as a way of regaining control over my own experiences. My art is a medium through which I hope people can understand my experiences more; a means to bridge the gap between people who have never had a psychotic experience and those who have, along with simply feeling that art should be a way to decorate space, not to convey a particular message. Many of my pieces have meanings that I cannot fully explain, but feel they can be appreciated without context or meaning, simply as they are. I have never been particularly involved in the arts sphere, most of my creation has been alone and occasionally with the help of friends and family. I would like to expand my creative sphere, but up until this point I’ve found this difficult.

I can’t often remember exact artists who inspire me, but some notable examples of inspirational visual artists to me include Fiona Tan, Paul Gauguin and Romare Bearden. I am also an avid fan of Yorgos Lanthimos and Vera Chytilova in film, and many, many musicians; I am particularly fond of instrumental music that instils awe in the listener.


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