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Be Careful. You’ll Love It Here
Bri Yvonne

Be Careful. You’ll Love It Here



Title: Be Careful. You’ll Love It Here Year of Execution: 2020 Size: 30’’ x 24’’ Medium: Acrylic on canvas -This artwork is part of the Shameless Series Artist Statement A huge source of inspiration for me is the woman's body. I am intrigued by the many ways in which we change, emote, contort, and carry the weight of the world with grace. I’m also inspired by the freedom required for some of us to wake up everyday and simply exist. Our societies tell us that we aren't beautiful enough in many ways. We minize ourselves to make others feel more at ease, not realizing that it makes us resentful, when we could choose the alternative. To confidently show up as our authentic selves, no matter the judgement. Who has to live with the consequences of your choices? You do. So your opinion of yourself is the one that matters. The woman in this painting is free from the shackles of others' opinions. Well meaning or not. This painting is one in a series. My intention was to captivate the viewers attention using color, in order to draw them into the subject. I created this painting as one in a series, to express my point of view on how beautiful it is when you let a woman be exactly who she is. Perfectly imperfect, without judging. Instead seeking to understand. Artist: Bri Yvonne

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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