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Transformative Shine
Tammy Campbell

Transformative Shine



Title: "Transformative Shine"

Year: 2021

Size: 69 x 112 inches

Technique: Mixed media - 7 piece glass panel
Ink, Resin, Golden Thread, Acrylic, Painted Glass Pieces, and Gemstones on Tempered Glass
Gemstones: fluorite, green calcite, black calcite, yellow calcite, red calcite, cobaltoan calcite, zeolite, druzy, sodalite, blue topaz, jasper, labradorite, golden apatite, pyrite, Mica, amethyst, smokey quartz, quartz, rose quartz, citrine, moon stone, tourmaline, obsidian peacock ore, fuchsite, amazonite, heated citrine facets, argonite, blue barite, angel aura quartz, rainbow moonstone, hematite, tektite, zebra jas-per, malachite, emerald

Statement artwork: This piece was inspired by love, loss, and the battle with disease. In working with my beautiful inspiration, Christina Paniccia, this work was born and reflects her personal journey with Cancer but also pays tribute to the lives lost during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This seven piece glass panel series entitled, "Transformative Shine, " was inspired by a beautiful journey and was created to relate to all people by telling the story of grief and loss as each of the glass panels is uniquely influenced by the seven stages of grief and loss and the continuous ups and downs of moving throughout. As cancer is the key foundation of resilience in this work, change is the thread that guides our life journey and unites and ties us together in the most intricate and meaningful ways through our connection. This representation can be seen by the golden thread that floats through each panel. We live, we love, we fight, we win, we lose - it’s all a unique and unexpected pathway that each and every soul in this world has the opportunity to transcend through. For some it’s been a personal battle, for others it’s been the support rock to our loved ones, and for others its transition through loss of a loved one - but for all its about owning your true authentic story to take the broken pieces and continue to find the strength to build something new within yourself and live each day to the fullest (representation of day and night in the second and third panel, as well as shooting starts to inspire to chase your wildest dreams). When you come to this acceptance over time a dark empty place will always remain and a remembrance and honor of what once was will always remain. For those who are able to find the new light within themselves a transformative shine is born, rebirthing hope and once again finding happness and a true appreciation for life to be found once again - in faith, hope, and love.

Christina chose unique gemstones that emulated her personal thoughts and feelings associated with the scientific healing properties of each stone before she smashed the stones as a metaphor to release all holding her back and focus on positive thoughts and intentions. These beautiful pieces of stones are placed uniquely throughout the work and bring a glimmer of Christina's true beauty of authenticity and strength by her own hands touch and in the hopes to inspire all who look to this piece to APPRECIATE WHO YOU ARE, ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR STRENGTH, AND KEEP GOING.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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