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Jay Hodgson

Digital Artist


I’ve worked for more than three decades in the arts, as a musician, an educator, an author and an artist. I’ve worked on three records nominated for Juno awards; published multiple books with Bloomsbury and Oxford University Press, among other notable imprints, on the subject of popular music and record making, one of which currently resides in the Read-ing Room of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; and I even won a Governor General's medal in 2006, at only 28 years of age, for my PhD research in the area of record production and media ecology. Since then I’ve been an associate professor of popular music studies at Western University, in London (Ontario), teaching primarily songwriting and project para-digm record production.
I have always been an avid fan (and maker) of collage. I’m totally fascinated by the weird brain states the medium provokes in viewers, as the obviously mass produced print ephemera of disposable consumer culture assembles to create totally new and unique vi-sual experiences. I’ve shown my work at galleries in Manhattan, Milan, Warsaw and Toron-to.
I broke down, one day, not too long ago. I became, for a short while, incapable of living. I was earmarked for an institution but, everyone knows, the institutions are all full. I began making art, of the sort you see here. I haven’t stopped. It is truly a compulsion. Something in it feels true to me. I don’t think in terms of “good” or
“bad.” Idiocy! Lunacy! I put images together the way they seem like they should go in my head. That’s it. There are no trophies.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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