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Teresa Cowley
Digital Artist

Teresa Cowley

Digital Artist


Teresa Cowley is an award-winning digital artist and graphic designer hailing from Vancouver Island, Can-ada. Specializing predominantly in abstract and fantasy art, she harbours a particular fondness for inte-grating AI art tools into her creative process. Her passion lies in crafting beautiful and distinctive designs that weave captivating narratives, constantly pushing the boundaries of art and technology. Her journey into the realm of digital art mixed media commenced around 2011, spurred by a lifelong love for art and creation. Teresa's artistic repertoire comprises a fusion of collage, abstract patterns, and an array of self-crafted effects, with much of her work rooted in the realm of experimentation. The year 2016 marked a significant milestone for Teresa, as she clinched her first two awards – honourable mentions in the Muse Creative Awards, a prestigious competition for creative professionals. Since then, she has garnered a total of six accolades from the Muse Creative Awards, with her most recent triumphs including silver awards in 2020.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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