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Shaleen Garba

Shaleen Garba



Shaleen Garba is a contemporary artist based in Atlanta, GA, who communicates her art through the language of color, organic shapes, and expressive mark-making. In addition to traditional brushes, she uses pallet knives, spray bottles, or fingers to help scratch the painted surface. She continues to explore her relationship with paint and the various tools she uses. It's a never-ending journey of humility, confidence, and gladness. Garba wanted to be an artist from a young age, as evident in her third-grade autobiography homework back in 1994. She attended the Academy of Art University, concentrating in fine arts. And through much trial, error, and per-severance, her style emerged as colorful and joyous, intuitively playing with shapes that renders a smile. Influenced by Pablo Picasso's Rose period, Garba uses cheerful orange and pink hues to show play and lightheartedness. For Garba, making art is an essential, emotional declaration when words won't do. Her work has been displayed at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, GA, New York City's Times Square billboards, the Sewell Mill Cultural Center for her solo exhibition, Yonkers, New York, and many juried exhibitions.

“I intuitively use bold brushstrokes and shapes on top of delicate layers that pay homage to life's jubilance. The color in my paintings creates energetic work that looks like a celebration!"


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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