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Lex is a 49-year-old British born artist currently living in Switzerland. Each of his painting series are always limited to 21 pieces and include the Cube, Signs of Hope and Abstract series. Within this exhibition he showcases three works - one piece from of his Cube series, one STOP sign and one Pop artwork specifically made for the F**K U exhibition.
An award-winning photographer his career began within the film and television industry until his immigration to Western Austria in 2000 where he co-owned an advertising agency, which creatively serviced all manner of the armed and emergency services as well as their many suppliers.
In 2012 he co-authored the coffee table book, “Western Australia Police, The World‘s Largest Single Police Jurisdiction.”
Since returning to Europe in 2016 he has been involved with a various international companies whilst also continuously working on numerous creative art projects.
During the Covid-19 lockdown of 2021 Lex produced 21 hand-made ‘Stop Signs’ promoting all the things the people could still do whilst being asked to stay at home and remain vigilant. The 21 Signs of Hope became a very successful and highly praised indoor/outdoor exhibition throughout the City of Stuttgart, with the majority of the signs selling.
Most recently Lex has begun a series of 21 Asian inspired cube paintings of which Earth Silence is currently the largest. With ‘Cubes’, Lex strives to create works that are rich in color and contrast, whilst remaining peaceful, without dominating a room or space.
The third work exhibited within M.A.D.S. Art Gallery is ‘Scrabble by Lex’. A combination of street art meets pop art, the piece reflects Lex’s sense of humor and his passive aggressive attitude towards society and its many laws.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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