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BEAMT!ME is Art that is received by the viewer. In the groove, we all have a view, and all can play.
BEAMT!ME wears different colored cowboy boots with a Look and a Line before there was Car-naby Street. Comes and goes, nobody knows -- more than ourselves. Doesn't know what it'd be like without every one of you to share this Lifetime.
Plays in unpredictable bright waves like a guest at a magical circus. You'll know if it comes away above the false gravity. Enjoy every moment -- both center and edge. Stripped bare, that Light shining from each instant lets loose, bends sometimes and very likely travels unimpeded across the Universe until the End of Time. Best make it a miracle, alive with laughter. You'll know. Like finding precious stones along the shore. Enjoy while you got it, then throw it back for the next.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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