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Ms. Miko

Ms. Miko



Who am I? Well that's a big question but I'll try to answer it the best I can. Ms. Miko, "Ms" is for "Miss" and Miko is for me. This nickname has been attached to me for so long that I almost forget my first name.
I've been drawing for such a long time that I don't know when or how it started. I remember in kindergarten my friends would give me chalk pieces to draw on the walls when I was sad or angry. Art is my way of expressing myself and it's something vital to me.
Until March 2020, I kept all my creations hidden from the world's eyes but the confinement has been an intensive period of creative expression for me and I finally felt the need to share my world. I recently opened an Instagram account dedicated to my paintings.
I see the paintings as windows opened on the world and dreams, that's why the search for volume is the source of most of my paintings. My universe is quite dark, maybe a little too dark sometimes. I like to work on the contrast of colors and materials. For several years, I have installed a painting studio at my home which allows me to explore several creative processes simultaneously on different supports. Indeed, I like to combine painting with other elements such as collage, molding, 3D printing, or more recently light installations via the incorporation of LED or UV painted elements.
I like to think of creativity as a complex process where inspiration often comes from other mediums. That's why I always have a multitude of projects going on at the same time, some of which are more related to writing texts, songs or poems, or to the theatrical work that I do several hours a week.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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