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Nikki Conigliaro

Nikki Conigliaro



Nikki is a fine artist based in the South Lakes, Cumbria, UK. Nikki studied Theatre Design in Birmingham before completing a PCGE in Lancaster and a MA in Film and TV Production Design in Kingston. After completing her studies Nikki went on to be Head of Art and Design, Photography and Media Studies in a school outside London before moving back to the Lake District in 2010. Nikki currently works at Barrow Sixth Form College teaching A level and Post 18 Art and Design and Photography as well as working on her own creative practice. Nikki has always completed her own artwork whilst working full time and completed commissions over the years in a variety of media and subject matter as well as being a life style and wedding photographer for a short time.
When I consider my own artwork I often struggle to find the words to describe my work, creating art is a need for me to unload my thoughts and emotions. My artwork comes from within and often contains locations or motifs that are personal or from my surroundings. I have always enjoyed colour and nature, even if I do wear a lot of dark colours, when I paint I love exploring different colour palettes to provoke different emotions and feelings. Art to me should be something enjoyed and bring different meanings to those who look upon it.
I enjoy working with portraits, the face can show a variety of emotions and can create mystery and intrigue. I think I have a passion and love for lighting colour and a sense of narrative within my work due to my education in film. My love of narrative and storytelling within the image I hope creates intrigue and invite the viewer to interpret ideas for themselves.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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