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Bruno Cecim
Digital Artist

Bruno Cecim

Digital Artist


A photographer, video maker and documentary filmmaker, Bruno began his career in 2005 as a photojournalist at the Futura Press news agency in São Paulo, Brazil. Through Futura his photos were published in Brazil’s leading newspapers and magazines.
As a photojournalist for the newspaper O Cruzeiro in Sorocaba, he was awarded the Human Rights Award four times by the Sorocaba Press Association (Associação Sorocaba de Imprensa). During this period he offered a variety of courses, workshops and lectures on photography and photojournalism.
As a video maker he has produced a number of shorts that were entered into Audio Visual festivals.
As an independent artist he took part in an individual exhibit at IPHAN in Belém in the state of Pará, Brazil, in 2005, as well as a group exhibit, O Olhar que Vem da Terra (‘The Gaze that Comes from the Earth’) at Galeria Virgílio in São Paulo, Brazil in 2012. More recently, his work also appeared at Ambientarti III in Milan, Italy, in April 2022, for which he won a special category award, and at ARS TEMPUS, also in Milan.
He is currently employed as a photographer for the government of the state of Pará in northern Brazil, which has afforded him great latitude to document the forest and the peoples of Amazônia.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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