Gorica Kiesshauer, she’s 50 years old and her friends and family just call her "Gogo". She is a native Serb, but she has been living in Germany - Munich for 47 years. Her love for sport and her big heart for animals and animal welfare have always helped her to find a balance between working as an ana-lyst and the sometimes-stressful everyday life. But it wasn't until not so long ago that she discovered her love for abstract acrylic painting by pure chance that she noticed how much pent-up creativity she had. Her head seems to be exploding with creativity. So she taught herself abstract painting and pour-ing as an autodidact. She’s so grateful to have found the “missing piece of the puzzle” in her life in painting. In fact, it reflects most of her personality. Since then she can finally express her love for col-ors, shapes, her ideas, feelings, and emotions of all kinds. Since then, the pictures have literally gushed onto the canvas. She does this for herself first and foremost. It fills her with so much joy and gratitude every time. It is inexplicable to her how she has mastered her life so far without painting and art in general. And when she touches other people with her pictures, inspire them and give them joy, the circle closes for her.
Artist Statement:
“It's never too late for a new love - whether for someone, for something, for yourself or for ART. Art finds YOU!”