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Niki Tse

Niki Tse



Niki Tse Bio Niki Tse | 謝采湳 13/02/2001 Born in Hong Kong, currently studying fine art in Newcastle, UK Artist statement With my current practice, I am interested in themes relating to dreams, nostalgia, and that state of “in-between-ness” we all experience at times - whether it be hypnagogia, or the non-linear, fluid state of our state of minds and identities throughout different stages of life. My work also explores the relationship between chance and intention as well - most of what occurs are happy accidents! Visually, I have always been deeply informed by the endless shapes and forms found in nature, and the way I work with lines are largely inspired by traditional Chinese ink paintings and Japanese prints from the Ukiyo-e era - their philosophy and belief in the potential energy that a single brushstroke consists of is very moving, and I always try to emulate that in my practice.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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