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Tim Waleschkowski
Digital Artist

Tim Waleschkowski

Digital Artist


I am a creator, designer and illustrator living Berlin.
Most of my work comes from the, chaotic, unplanned and spontaneous side of my inner self.
I try to move as style-free as possible, to always be open to new visual approaches, to not stand still, to always evolve. Whether figurative or abstract, calligraphic/typographic experiments, 2D as well as 3D, both in the medium of analogue and in the space of the digital world make up my work. Designing and creating are an essential part of who I am. For me, the creative process is an outlet to process my inner self and a grateful communication tool to interact with my outer world.

professional career
2017–2022 Freelance Designer and Illustrator
2017-2022 Moniteurs Ltd.
Design agency with focus on
guidance and orientation systems
academic career
2013-2017 Study of communication design,
Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts, Kiel
Main focus: Editorial + Corporate Design,
Strategic Communication, Typography
Degree: Bachelor of Arts
2010-2013 Graphic Design Apprenticeship,
Design School Schwerin
1998-2010 School education: A-levels


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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