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Marine Bass

Marine Bass



Marine Bass was born in Geneva, Switzerland. They graduated in 2D Design (illustration and comics) at CFPAA in 2012. They has become a bookseller for living and worked for almost ten years, in which they kept drawing, by taking part in exhibitions.
In 2019, anxiety stroke strong and forced them to find another way to express themself: writing prose poetry and painting. They discovered a whole new world of abstract possibilities, and explored its freshness and freedom with big gestures and with tiny little markmaking.
In 2021 they gave a chance to their vocation, and decided to be a full time visual artist.
Since then, Marine has continued to play and experiment with colors, textures and techniques, by seeking beauty in chaos and chance and by taking the liberty of being spontaneous and wild.
Their practice is very intuitive, unplanned, by taking the incomfort as hinge or starting point. The only important thing to them is to keep being surprised, and keep questionning the world they live in.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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