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Clara Diebler

Clara Diebler



Originally from Paris, Clara Diebler tirelessly experiences the trigger felt at the age of 16, when she superimposed two negatives on top of each other for the first time. Since then, she has been building her universe with this technique, transporting us to a world of ghostly characters.
Using a technique of juxtaposition of two photographs, notably portraits, nudes, architectural references or floral motifs, Clara Diebler magnifies the alchemy of two visions. Those of the model and the photographer, of those who receive and those who transmit, of those who see and those who perceive. And thereby, perhaps, the universally romantic duality - femininity - that resides in every man. Her aesthetic universe is therefore both essentially feminine and uni-versal, while remaining singular due to Her original vision: anachronistic and melancholic, brutal and magnificent.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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