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Veronica Jeppsson

Veronica Jeppsson



I started off in the world of textiles. In Sweden I studied Fashion and design in Borås School of Textils and finished my Design bachelor in 2007. My final project was a children’s collection focused on prints and storytelling and this was the point where the passion for prints and 2D forms became stronger. After I started to work as a graphic designer and did so for many years. Drawing and painting has always been a very strong part of me and I would draw and illustrate for hours and hours through out my life, but only the last recent years did I dive down the path of actual painting on the canvas. All paintings are hands on learning, testing and experimenting; I always want to do better! I take strong inspiration from the female forms, particular the dan-cers. Strong, brave and they never give up; the force they possess is admirable and the mo-vements are fascinating to use in the paintings! Nature is always calling and it is an eternal source of inspiration for me. Flowers, plants, water, structure and patterns are everywhere and are often used in the work somehow. I love the dark colours, black, blue and turquoise, and sometimes red. It is the contrasts that appeal and down my way gold has become a part of my signum. It just work so well with my favorite palett, gives it that little extra. I work between the art of abstract combining it with pure details and a lot of reality making many of my work dreamlike and leaves a lot for the beholder to discover. I do realism very well, photo like even, and they are commissioned and/or sold often before done, but it is the free experimenting I do as a choice when I have the opportunity.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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