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Title: Abundance
Year: 2021
Size: Original 19.6″x15.7″ (50x40cm), thickness 1.57″ (4cm)
Technique: acrylic and gouache painting on canvas

How one knows that the land is a Holy grail? The farmers try to make the prairie land but how do we select the right type of plant for each area. We don’t know unless we take the experiment; it’s the scientist approach. But the indigenous people learned from the sign of nature and animals in the land. Where there is a living life there is food and abundance of the ecosystem. Where there is perennials plant there is long lasting system. <<I use the overlaid technique to show the subjects of this picture. The mountain is not only the mountain but it has many ancient histories about them. I want to use the overlaid subject to depict this ancient time elements. What we actually see today might have something more to it from the past>>.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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