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Nawel Aubert

Nawel Aubert



Nawel Aubert At the turn of my 34 years, I have this memory of always trying to grasp the contours of these faces without knowing why or how, with this probably unconscious will to grasp a soul in all its complexity. The work certainly came through these lines, the words that I missed, a simple reflection of a personality marked by a shyness and a reserved character. 25 years later, the tone is much more assured and communicative, but some things remain, such as a being who is the fruit of his history, I always draw these faces seeking to pierce the mystery of their soul. I am fascinated by what they look like, what they say and what they don't say. More or less marked by life, as if their existence could be read and understood without the need to utter a word. Intrigued by this humanity without which we cannot live, but which is also, at times, the cause of our suffering. In a few words, I give you the line of my inspirations and my work, the essential of which lies in understanding the life of the other, transcribing it with accuracy, the being speaks and tells its story.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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