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Dea Bender

Dea Bender



Dea Bender is a mixed medium artisan who has been creating fine art and collector's pieces for museums and stores for over 20 years. She has run two successful businesses and started M & D Artistries in 2017 with a goal to expand her art and help an up-and-coming young artist, Mariah Chere. Dea believes in building others up and is deeply passionate about charity and bringing awareness to rare diseases as well as mental health. Dea not only creates large- and small -scale paintings but is also a lapidary artist who creates custom Jewelry and special orders using min-eral's she collects from the great Rocky Mountains. Dea works with many different mediums from making polymer clay figurines or pottery clay sculptures as well as Resin art.

Art for myself is a way to not only escape from the pain of living with disease but also is very fascinating. I have been an artist for many years, as a small girl I would often find myself day-dreaming and gazing into artworks of many great artists and wondering what made their minds create such awe-inspiring paintings or sculptures. When I am creating my artwork, I find myself in an entirely different state of being. As I am painting or creating art I feel no time, no pain, and often feel more connected to everything in life on a deeper level. Art is not only a beautiful way to create one’s expression’s but has also helped me to remain strong in my battle with my dis-ease. I believe art is a gift. I love and respect all art styles/artists.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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