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Heidi Mumenthaler

Heidi Mumenthaler



Heidi Mumenthaler's paintings are created in spontaneous gestures, her figures spring from a scenic soliloquy in which the artist reflects on her observations and thoughts. At first, she covers the white canvas with wild layers of paint and acrylic splashes. At breakneck speed, colours and structures change and form the background for the (sometimes grotesque) figures. Often in-spired by plays, films, and literature, she creates a unique world of beings whose monologues continue in the viewer's mind. Heidi Mumenthaler was born in Basel, Switzerland, in 1963. She trained as a screen printer in Basel, where she produced art prints for Max Bill and posters for various theatres. She then studied acting at the Mozarteum University in Salzburg (Austria), graduating with a diploma. After numerous theatre and film productions, she has been working as a painter since 1992, currently in Berlin. STATEMENT: "I am completely dependent on my form of the day. I neither work according to cycles nor do I strive for completion. Painting for me is an eternally ongoing process with many twists and turns for which I have to be open. I want to get to the point of being in the right action, where I don't follow any templates or imitations. I can't copy myself either. There are no repetitions. A painting is good when it is born out of me. I don't paint for my success, I paint for my satisfaction, which comes when a painting happens.”


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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