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Sandra Plum-Reeves

Sandra Plum-Reeves



Sandra Plum-Reeves Sandra Plum-Reeves, born in the mid-seventies, currently living in Bielefeld, Germany. As early as in my childhood painting was the way for me to dive into my own world, accompanied by audio books. Owing to my daltonism (color blindness) my perception of colors and shapes is different from that of people without this limitation. In school this astriction impaired my first years in art class, I was regarded as unfit for the arts Then the arts teacher changed and fortune smiled on me! I was finally allowed to paint the world as I see it, received positive feedback for the first time and was allowed to present my pictures at school exhibitions. For me, colors have emotions, characteristics, feelings and also trigger sensations. My preference for bold colors is due to the predominantly positive sensations associated with them. For example: warmth, joy, p eace, freedom, energy and joie de vivre. But this does not exclude emotions like sadness, loneliness, doubt and fear. In Summarily the statement \"I see the world with my own eyes!\" is most definitely true. For me art is a very important means of communication, because it is the only way to express something from within that I cannot put into words. It is a feeling of absolute joy, when my pictures can pick up the viewer on his own inner journey and get incorporated in his thoughts.


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M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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