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The one in the garden



Title: The one in the garden
Year: 2021
Technique: Acrylic on paper

Art therapy

This is the way me and hopefully others are able to heal. We need to get together and truly admire our own beautiful bodies. Whatever the shape you are in, you are beautiful. It's an internal beauty that is moving our body. I am learning to be more and more connected to the sensations in my body. In the therapy I realised how important it is to observe how you feel and truly act on that. That is my inspiration for anything I create artistically. I have a vision to become my authentic self and seeing my fear as a friend with who I would like to deal with. I believe that through sexuality we can heal if we honestly connect to that powerful force and its true meaning. Especially women. I am exploring my feminine and masculine energies and my own behaviour and how all of these things form my true nature and relationships. And I think this is something so profound for all the people that seek peace within. I am so greatful for all the difficulties and pain, because that was the body alarm that I should be focusing on what I feel internally. I can be focusing what is outside of me, but it is not going to change the fact that I vibrationaly am not ok within myself and that is the ultimate truth. I can be interested about how the universe operates, which is an amazing subject, but if I am not ok with myself I am not able to truly understand that concept. I desire to be vulnerable towards myself and towards others. I am constantly exploring my body, because it is telling everything, my migraines that I get that can get very strong, the fact that I am panicking sometimes when I am not feeling comfortable, getting red, because I feel ashamed, that deep shame that is in almost every single human being, it is stored within the body and these are the most vulnerable parts of myself I am slowly accepting. 

So, Take care of yourself!

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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