Title: Ukraine
Size: 18 x24 inches
Technique: acrylic on gesso board
About the Painting
Almost everyone remembers looking up at the sky and making out the ever-changing shapes of the shifting clouds. Recently I came across this image of a rare cloud formation and was instantly enthralled. I manipulated and composited the image into this composition that I am currently painting. When I’m finished it will be a 24 x18 inch acrylic painting that I am entitling “Ukraine”.
Like many people observing the horrific events in Ukraine I was drawn by the possibility of depicting the twilight battle for freedom that the heroic Ukrainians are engaged in against Vladimir Putin’s invasion of their homeland. I saw this battle playing our epically and envisioned the battle of angels fighting for life and liberty against the evil aggression of the Russian demons seeking to conquer them. In painting this piece I wish to honor the hero’s of Ukraine, both living and fallen and to bear witness and immortalize their bravery. I hope that my work can do them justice!