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Rising Hope
Sylwia Smoron

Rising Hope



Title: Rising Hope
Year: 2020
Size: 160 x 130 cm
Technique: polychrome acrylic painting. Modelling paste and acrylics on canvas fabric (non- stretched)

This work was created after the first Covid wave in early summer 2020. The initial shock of the pandemic slowly wore off, everyday life returned to a new normal and society felt a little hope. Sylwia took this as an opportunity to create a large - format work – a work of lightness, of hope, yet still showing dark shades. These dark spots are made of extra-coarse modelling paste and they stand for the uncertain situation, the remaining scars, a surreal and global tragedy. The light colors on the other hand are the symbol for recovery. The action painting technique stands for joy, the choice of colors reflects the slowly rising hope and new beginnings.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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