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Monika Kovatsch




Title: Vital
Year: 2019
Size: 100x100 cm
Technique: Rakel, Acrylic colour, canvas on wooden frame

The entire water cycle
consequences for all existing balances

"Fynbos in Africa, plays a vital role in the water cycle: some of the wettest places in Africa being wild, moisture-rich mountain tops populated by rare proteas and because their water needs are low, fynbos allows up to 80% of the rainwater to run off and fill our rivers and reservoirs, which means that one in five glasses of water that makes its way into our drinking water system got there because of fynbos."

"The fynbos - small bush - supports more plant species per square metre than any other place on Earth - 8574 species in total, 68 per cent of them growing nowhere else. The flora is so different from anything else that it is classified as one of the world's six "floral kingdoms"."

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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