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Rosa Maria Piernas

Rosa Maria Piernas



My name is Rosa Maria Piernas Bachelier (NICK: Rosa del Desierto), French-Spanish, of a Murcian father and a Norman mother. I live in Murcia, I am 53 years old and I am the mother of a beautiful 15-year-old teenager.
I consider myself a restless, self-taught and multifaceted person in life, I like diversity both in sports, music, nature, art and in types of reading; quite lively and smiling, sincere, active, idealistic, compassionate and quite trusting, weeping, romantic, smiling and with an excess of positivity.
On a professional level, I mix my versatile character with my enthusiastic, innovative spirit and I always abide by respect, ethics and transparency in my work.
About 11 years ago behind the scenes I began to give freedom to my creativity. I began to discover the world of painting using tiles that I found in areas of rubble. It was a discovery, after a few months I became passionate about it and it helped me a lot to disconnect from reality and stress. I set my mind free and everything was reflected in tiles, sheets and canvases.
Only several people very close to me knew that I spent time on it, and a few months ago I took it up again and they also encouraged me to bring to light all that cocktail of colors and abstract shapes that I kept, so I decided, and I'm here….
In terms of work, I reinvented myself 10 years ago and I dedicate my day to day browsing, creating designs, content and advertising campaigns for companies in digital marketing. I am a lover of the cyber world.
Once my working day is over, I retire to create «poems without words«
I do them with what comes to mind at that moment, just as I am…. and she always gets me to do what she (the painting) wants.
Pigments of contrasts and creative and original textures with a personal, fresh, lively style, with lines and a free abstract style; special use of color, different accessories where I also include my hands and fingers, essential for my creations.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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