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Susanne Herbold

Susanne Herbold



I had the opportunity to experience a not direct and exclusive personal life path. The perspectives experienced in the "classical business world", where I was allowed to travel to many countries and meet a wide variety of people and cultures, not only formed my personality, but also served as a source of inspiration to this day. Today, my holistic work as an artist fulfills me. My vision is to contribute with my works so that more people can experience this unique feeling of boundlessness.

What has always fascinated me about art is its boundlessness, which applies equally to the forms of expression of the artists themselves, but also to the interpretations of the viewers. The careful connection with it allows the new to emerge and the past to be reflected.
Art does not judge. Art does not demand. Art simply lets it BE.

Art can be the key to unlocking any door. Let it be the door of perception or the gates to the next levels of consciousness. I invite the viewers of my art to connect to the work in a way that they can still feel it when they close their eyes.
In these times, when nothing seems constant, it is art that offers people a way to broaden their perspective and discover new ways of seeing. However, the viewer must be willing and able to engage with it. As an artist, I am not only excited about the creative process, but also the exchange taking place between the viewer and my work. I am often asked how my paintings are created. Sometimes the process involves pauses, other times I cannot stop working. Each time, however, I am closely connected with what I do, and I forget the world around me.
Very often, I begin my abstract paintings with the choice of a color and the desire to express my inner energy and mood. Each color has a different vibrational frequency and a wavelength and energy typical of it. I feel colors and their energy with great intensity, and I love to apply them in different ways on the canvas, so that they can communicate my intention. I like to work with pastes, spatulas, brushes, but also with my bare hands.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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