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Vanesa Iurca

Vanesa Iurca



Vanesa Iurca I was born in a small picturesque town in the north of Romania, where every landscape is a true art of Mother Nature. Growing up with such artistry surrounding me, I have developed a sense of beauty in everything, but especially in imperfections. From a young age, I realised that we live in a perfectly imperfect world. After graduating from the world’s leading institution for hospitality management, EHL in Switzerland, I have pursued my career in the leadership and development field, as helping people to achieve greatness and overcome challenges was always my main mission in life. We all know that we learn a lot more from failures than success, but how do we cope with a society that values success? We need to demystify failure instead of being afraid of it. Nonetheless, we fail to accept ourselves or the world everyday because we constantly seek perfection. I started painting as a way to escape the noise of the world, but I discovered that in the silence of the process, there is so much to say. My paintings represent both imperfection and acceptance and I hope that it sends a message: “Nothing is perfect but accepting imperfection can truly make us feel alive. And in a world like ours, feeling alive is a bigger accomplishment than being alive.” My muse is emotion With abstract, I never plan the final result. I leave this responsibility to my muse, so in the end the artwork is a multitude of emotions accumulated throughout many days of creation. I paint with my heart. A heart full of nostalgia, fear, insecurity, sadness, but also wonder, love and happiness. The creation process is finished when I feel happy. I have always been fascinated by abstract paintings. I believe that it can send an infinity of messages depending on the viewer and his emotional state. The same painting can communicate to you today differently than it did yesterday, or it will do tomorrow. By owning one, you are in fact having many. All you have to do is let your imagination flow and guide you to your subconscious. Enjoy the journey! I do not sign my paintings, but they all have a personalised message on the back. Discover yours!


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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