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François Bernstein
Digital Artist

François Bernstein

Digital Artist


A DIGITAL NATIVE is a person who grew up in a digital environment. Born between the late 1980s and the early 1990s, the digital native grew during the explosion of the web documentary and the advent of the social web (web 2.0). It is imbued with digital culture: internet, web, computers, social networks, video games, new technologies.
This term of digital natives is often contrasted with that of digital immigrants, who refer to people from previous generations who saw the birth of digital as a change in their practices. A digital child will talk about their new “camera” where a digital immigrant will be proud of their new “digital camera”. This term has been used in a number of different contexts, such as education, higher education and in association with the term “New Millennium Learners”.
I am an analog being drowned in a digital world, this sentence is my central point.
Working mainly in the audiovisual field, I consider myself an image scientist. I am looking for new processes and new cinematographic techniques with a very experimental point of view.
At film school in France, I quickly understood an innate and particular aptitude for image analysis. This allows me to compose a frame in a skilful and precise way according to the codes of the cinema in order to understand how it will be perceived by an external look.

Digital Nãtives emerges from the universe of digital and fiction due to this aes-thetic concern of the work of image, perspective and fiction. Its graphical representations always explore a search, related to the manipulation of the codes of the image. He draws inspiration from real images or situations to recreate from this medium a universe related to dreams, to the mind, or even to science fiction.
Extirpate concrete images and anchored in the collective imagination for a truth of times close to our dehumanization or parallel to the illusion and power of hope of despair.
One of the ideas he develops is the allegory of the cave of Plato, it is recurrent in most of his representations. " I am inundated with illusions, false truths, inequalities, violence, censorship, etc., and I cannot ignore them, I denounce them.

It deals a lot with dilemma, laws of nature and disability. A Manichean side, to balance or unbalance the frame... (asymmetry or symmetry of the contrast between black and white. Either the absence of colors or, the color "represented by inversion, "white", a chromatic field, characterized by an impression of high brightness, without any dominant tint. Explaining that white is not a color, this is the tint obtained by mix-ing light of all colors)
The concept of Digital Natives is based on geometric signs that evoke cyclical rhythms or broken (angular) situations and significant behaviors of Man. In other words the form always induces a substance and therefore a very precise thought. The Square represents man in his imperfection with the Earth as opposed to the Circle which induces him the cycle, the regular rhythm, what is natural and perfection.
Man created the Square to leave the chaos of a cycle that inevitably repeats itself (Nature), be-cause nature is hostile to man, by definition, birth will always generate death and therefore the square generates the safe of habits, behaviors and illusions by not showing us the world as it really is but blinding us of what we would like to see. And now, it seems so anchored to us to now defy it that our suffering shapes our artificial world. It is this fear of death that will imprison him for life. The Pixel will be the medium of the illusion of the world imposed on us through images and especially screens.
Let us not forget that the only image that is natural, in contrast to an artificial image, is reflection.
Digital Natives portrays and stages a questioning of our reality and human depth through the search for truth and fiction.
«From the fiction I created truth and from the truth I created fiction».


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