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Sky, or Eskey is an alter ego who paints his mind into visual art. An introvert, he found it hard to express what he feels verbally. From a young age, Eskey has created few artworks as a way to express his untold emotions but falls victim to his own reluctance. He doodled, he wrote pieces, but painting satisfies him the best. Somehow, painting has filled the void in his life.
Eskey is very experimental with his works. He works mainly with acrylics, textures and hint of golden element. Eskey’s emotions inspires his artistry as he delves into the many walks of life. Every piece is exquisite, never to be re-enacted, as it holds a deep significance for those who connected to it by heart.
Eskey has sold about 80 artworks in a year and half. One of his notable exhibition was Pandora Art Exhibition that was held last February 2022 in Malaysia. His artwork named ‘Geisha’s Dream’ was one of the first to get sold. Being the biggest fan of himself, he al-ways believe that every little step counts, ruthless words won’t kill his passion and ‘Grati-tude breeds happiness’.
Eskey chose to remain discreet and mysterious. Though his face obscured, he can always be seen through his works, where he pours all his thoughts and feelings. He wants to be recognized and remembered through his artworks.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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