Regula Huber
My name is Regula Huber and I grew up in 1978 in a small mountain village in the Swiss Alps. Even as a little girl, I have painted a lot. In 1994 I did a 4-year training as a draftswoman and worked for several years with an interior designer. I have always painted, but never really found time for it, until two years ago when the pandemic gave us more space for new. For 1.5 years I paint again very often. The works of Sebastian Merk have inspired me. When I paint, I am very relaxed and with me. I have no particular idea how a work should look in the end. I let myself drift and put color to color. Most of the time the final work is quite different from what I imagined at the beginning. I love the power of neon colors, which appear in almost every picture. Also, each of my works contains little gold leaf - this could be called the common denominator of my images. I use mainly acrylic paints, but also pens and pencils - just what falls into my hands. When I paint I do not want to follow a scheme - as often in life - but just let myself drift.