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Digital Artist


Digital Artist


1997 Born in Kyoto, Japan
2016 Graduated from Kyoto Art High School
2018-Present While leading a working life, he creates digital collages, paintings, and black-and-white drawings.

Group Exhibition
2016 Graduation Works Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal
Museum Of Art (Now Kyoto Kyocera Museum Of Art)

Artistic Statement:
I think demons are sad and gentle creatures/demons. Now, you and i may have a creature/demon called a demon in our hearts. In the process of my life for 25 years, there have been changes in my thoughts and mind. Through my environment, position, and various events, i have tried to express positive and negative feelings and emotions that are invisible to the naked eye in colors, shapes, and spaces that we can see, so that when we first see them with our own eyes, they will move our hearts and reach deep into our minds. I will continue to focus on the emotions and sentiments invisible to the naked eye, and the transience of the present moment.


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