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Laura Benitez

Laura Benitez



As a child I always liked to paint. At an early age I started attending a drawing academy. Charcoal and oil paints were my travelling companions, and pastel for a short time. Analysis of light and shadow, contrasts, perspectives and other concepts gradually became part of my routine in those three hours a week. For me, those hours were nothing but fun and good times, which now, from a distance, I remember fondly. Time went by, and adolescence arrived. I left the academy but not my imagination, which was always ready with a pen. In fact, it was at that stage that a special relationship with ink was born. I focused on the abstract style, which was where I felt most comfortable. It was when I became a mother that I started attending another drawing and painting school. I went back to staining my hands and face with that ash that I so longed for. Since then I haven't stopped, I love moving lines and contrasting light and shadow.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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