Yuki Tsukahara
I have loved drawing since I was a little girl.
Before I woke up in the morning and got dressed or had breakfast, if I had a plain piece of paper and a pencil I would get stuck into drawing.
It continues in the same way to this day.
As I grew up I realized that I had a slightly different ‘color world’ to others.
In the world I see, music is colored.
And the scenes I remember do not remain as they are in reality, like a photograph, but my feelings at the time put a curtain of color over them, like a stage direction.
The colors of the world I see are not just the colors of objects, but are clad in colors that only I can see.
When I realized this, I felt very lonely and sad.
So I started to invite many people into the world I see by drawing, which I have always loved.
When I grew up I started working with Japanese anime and games.
Anime and games taught me new concepts of color.
The concept is that in anime, a person's character is linked to their specific color.
For example, in Power Rangers, red is always the hero, blue is the thoughtful person, and so on.
This is how I come to see my feelings and people's personalities in terms of their colors.
In my world there are colors not only in the inherent colors of objects, but also in the invisible things that spring up in the mind or flow out from people.
What, then, would I see if there were only colors there?
This is how my ‘REVERSE COLORING’ series was born.
Please visit my world full of color.