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Frances Seungeun Sung

Frances Seungeun Sung



Growing up in two different countries, USA and South Korea, I suffered identity issue for quite some time. I cannot say the suffering is at an end yet, however, I have found my own method of passing those difficult times – painting. I studied sciences for about twenty years, receiving bachelor and master’s degrees from USA, and working at various research labs and medical centers. This field of study was one other reason I needed my so-called “meditation” or “therapy” time. The act of repeatedly painting horizontally, waiting for the layers of colors to dry, then repeating the process over and over again, allows me to relieve my inner “obsession”, gives me unbelievable peace and quiet, tranquility and happiness. This is why I considered painting my own color therapy. Color itself only helps me focus on the harmony and balance of the piece as a whole, my persona is rather in the brush stroke, the action of repeatedly painting obsessively horizontal lines, either perfectly straight or not. Always wishing to look perfect in every way, I have burned myself down to cinder, not knowing if there would be anything I can possibly achieve – I have now accepted that I am only a human being and there is no such thing as being perfect. I do not use any ruler or guidelines when painting. If my arm is tired, it will get a bit wobbly, that is fine. Cricket line only proves I am human, and that I accept what I can do with my own body and mind.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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