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Lena Rising
Digital Artist

Lena Rising

Digital Artist


I’m a Swedish self-taught digital artist based in the U.K. Photography was my first passion, but I have come to fall in love with the whole post-production phase, (editing, compositing, experimenting with colours, light and shade). That’s where I can truly pour from my imagination, creativity and heart; changing a depiction of reality, into a vision of what reality could be.

As most children in Scandinavia, I grew up deeply immersed in the rich flora and fauna of fairytales, a connection which I think is obvious in my art. The original ideas for my pieces are firmly based in the real world, (events, books, music etc.), but in my art it all takes place in a different world, a fantasyland.

Often the process happens, seemingly by itself, evolving from photographs into a vision of a fantastical, limitless world, and I find that mystique in the creative process very fascinating.

I love delving deep into the worlds I create. While I create a world, I am also inside it, engulfed in the atmosphere and a sense of wonder. And that is also what I hope for viewers of my art; that they can relate to the emotions and cross the Rubicon into a land of wonder.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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