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Homelessness 2
Cara Roberts

Homelessness 2



Title: Homelessness 2

Year: 2016

Size: 44 x 84 cm

Technique: Watercolour, Gouache and Acrylic on Board

“My piece represents the plight of homeless military veterans in the UK. The latest estimate is that up to 15% of homeless people in London have a military background. When they come out of service, military veterans suddenly find themselves devoid of basic life skills and deprived of the social order to which they have become accustomed - key ingredients for a downward spiral. I invite the viewer to look deep into the subject’s eyes and visualise a better future for these individuals based upon hope. Sacrificing a bit of money to help the cause of veterans seems little in comparison with the ultimate sacrifice they were prepared to make on our behalf”.

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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