Veronica Montesdeoca
Veronica Montesdeoca is an artist based in Frankfurt who works mainly with edited photog-raphy. She started to love photography during her advertising studies in Quito, Ecuador, where she got her first analog camera. Veronica has been experimenting for 10 years with all types of photography such as landscapes, portraits, architecture, and others: all of these experiences have always brought her back to the artistic and creative world that she always loved and was blessed to enter when she started painting oil canvases at 19 years old. With her artworks, Ve-ronica invites the observers to join her emotional journey and challenge them to draw their con-clusion.
Artistic statement
“I am convinced that everybody sees the world differently and I think that art allows us to trans-mit our view with the rest, that is what makes art so beautiful to me. You can express yourself, there are no restrictions, no limits”