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Frasquito Raymond Gil-Urquijo

Frasquito Raymond Gil-Urquijo



Frasquito Raymond Gil-Urquijo The creator is a physician, Engineering PhD Summa cum laude, hyperactive guy. Consultant with no clue about art and very poor drawing skills, what’s not a setback for him. Frasquito’s family is his first big project. Patience is not one of his strengths, and is clear in the lack of rigor details in his drawings, (far away from Van Eyck) often poorly finished, what is a key part of the essence of Frasquito. The author has crystal clear two things: doesn’t want any drawing training, and doesn’t want to spend 2 days to draw a Frasquito. However, he wants to represent an idea, as stupid as it could be, with a mix of composition and colors, and always a funny story behind. What matters is the idea, not the execution, even he imprints a very personal surreal style in his art. Circled the globe 17 times on 2017 (inside a plane), his accidental passion is starting something and left it half-done or abandoned for weeks, months or forever. Frasquito’s project is the rule exception. Lived in several different countries, he loves hotel life, massages and food. Gets inspiration from whoever, wherever about whatever, better if uncommon or ridiculous, with his own footprint, usually result of lack of skills. Represent through Frasquito more his likes than dislikes. Frasquito has more similarities with his father and creator than differences. But both love gastronomy, Florida, Andalusia, gourmet can food, goats, flamenco and Albano y Romina Power, mostly the latter, who inspired him during his teens. Frasquito family is the story of a unique character: Don Frasquito Raymond Gil-Urquijo. A fiction character born in “La baja Andalucia” in the beginning of the 20th century. He is a connoisseur, and live between Andalusia and Florida. Early traveler, lover of life, women, gastronomy and the good life, he is a blend of old-fashioned, deep-routed Spanish personality with international flavor, and has definitely a surreal character and life. At times choleric, a bit arrogant, hugely ironic, with a fine touch of humour, even when he shouldn’t. Has also a very sweet side, although is difficult to perceive it. One of his life motto is make fun and enjoy. The series tell the spectator specific moments or details of situations of Frasquito’s life, including immediate family, relatives, acquaintances and whoever that came across with him (or not). The author Is anarchic in this sense, as I have not constraints to drive his life for wherever path it goes, what makes the journey unpredictable. Frasquito’s father doesn’t care about fitting an idea or situation in what already happened, and improvise as ideas or inspiration or likes comes to his mind. Frasquito’s life is built as we go, and unlike destiny, it changes as soon as his father gets inspiration from whatever, wherever. This is not a coherent succession of episodes where you can imagine, as Frasquito’s family can grow, diminish or disappear as quick as his father needs it to fit something he want to draw. This is what the series is about: surreal life, celebrating it, fun, colors, lifestyle, Andalusia and wherever life takes us, that’s still to be written in Frasquito’s case. Frasquito series was highlight in several websites and articles as per its creativity, with a very good welcome and impact. Is sold with success in the South of Spain and Bogota. Frasquitos have been sold and are exhibit in private houses in Monterrey (Mexico), Madrid, Prague, Dubai, Miami, Mexico City, Sevilla or Buenos Aires. Mostly of artworks are A4 format, pencil colors over paper with collage.


More info

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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