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Raffaele Giovane aka @creagiovane, was born in 1984, he's son of Italian emigrants, he is an architect, blogger and artist living in Zürich, Switzerland. He visited the artistic high-school Liceo Artistico Freudenberg and studied architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He is active with the architects for future, architecture for refugees and the sketch circle Zürich. Some years ago, during a problematic period of his life, being sick of getting up each morning with a bad mood, he started spontaneously to draw, just for the sake of drawing and focus on something creative in the first minutes of the day in-stead of pondering about life challenges. But the 5-minute drawings became 15-minute photographed and posted drawings, then 1-2 hours recorded drawings. Some drawings became proposals for mural art projects, prints on canvas, designs for products. Another became his biggest creation so far, a 265m2 floor art at the Autonomous School Zürich. It was a collaborative art workshop for an independent school that provides free education for refugees, to help them integrate in the local society and the job market. His art is an interaction between himself as an adult pondering about heavy issues like social inequali-ties, environment, mental health, and his inner child who wants to create playful and col-orful patterns and doodles and to connect with other inner children. It’s a healthy way to cope with difficult topics without drowning in negativity. Instagram is his primary social media platform where he also finds his main artistic influences like @asebalko, @bykaju, @mrdoodle, @olasyuk_a, @oibelart, @stillonoir, @ashleymaryart, @imapico among others. While his approach on creativity is inspired mainly by the work and literature of Chase Jar-vis and Lisa Congdon. His vision is to inspire others to free their inner child and follow their passions through a lifelong creative process. His hope for society is that people be-come more tolerant, first for themselves, then for others. Art will play a big part in this transition.

Artist Statement:
“Art is about accepting myself and freeing my inner child”


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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