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Dawn Sercia
Digital Artist

Dawn Sercia

Digital Artist


I have always had a natural desire and drive to create. As far back as elementary school I was involved in joining art clubs, and contributing to any artistic competitions & yearbook art in school as well.
Being creative was always a natural part of who I was. Over the years I expressed this through interior design, sculpture, painting, jewelry design & drawing.
Most recently I've become interested in digital arts as well, and the possibilities this can bring to the canvas. I also combine algorithms & artificial intelligence to create multi layered images.
I am driven by my passion to create visually appealing & colorful works of art. I draw inspiration from various sources aside from having a vivid imagination including dreams, nature, people around me, current events & at times clairvoyant visions.
I've been an entrepreneur since the age of 19 & have been a self taught artist for the most part. I create for the enjoyment it gives me and to express all of the ideas I have. My mind is constantly thinking of different concepts that I will often quickly jot down or sketch when possible. These inspirations will always come to life at some point in time. Overall I hope my art brings people happiness and visual stimulation through my use of color & desire to create highly detailed works.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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