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Matthias Eitner

Matthias Eitner



Beginning in 2015, Matthias Eitner's paintings have been created as a reaction to changes in societal structure and new aesthetic standards. They are declarations of love for humanity, and set flaws on the same level as superficially beautiful imagery and living environments. Moments are slowed down and become icons of daily life. The images are, figuratively, advancements of photographic techniques - spontaneous images, snapshots. They are improvisations, in form and content raw. Parallel worlds and "the street" are the most important inspirations for the imagery of Matthias Eitner.
In this manner of working, digital media and analog techniques are closely connected. Quickly drying colors and coarse brushes evoke speed, intuition, and improvisation in the creation process, as well as give the painting an expressive tone. Deep darkness, blurred lines and "false colors" create room for interpretation, allow the addition of your own story, and mirror complexity.
His works create spontaneous closeness, as well as harsh rejection ... as they should!


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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