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Drew Whitaker

Drew Whitaker



Drew Whitaker is an adult autistic artist from Dallas, TX. Besides painting, loves animals and has 3 birds, 2 cats and a dog and a membership to the local zoo where he often gets inspira-tion. He also loves the Dallas Cowboys and believe it or not, ghost Hunting.
Drew has always shown his creative side however it wasn’t until 2018, when he and his mother went to painting party, that he began painting and he instantly fell in love! It was soon after, that he began painting regularly from home.
Drew most often uses bright acrylic colors to create abstract paintings of living things on a 16 x 20 canvas. His inspirations usually come from things he sees or family and friends.
Art has had a hug impact on Drew. It has opened him up to the world around him. Drew’s In-stagram was created so that he could easily show his artwork to people that he met. It gives him a place where he can store his latest paintings and engage with people. Where he once seemed timid, he now his his phone ready to share with people he meets. When asked why he likes to paint, he said “because it’s relaxing, I get to spend time with my mom, and it makes people happy”.
Many of his paintings are displayed in a room at his home, called the happy room It is called this because you can’t help but smile when you are in there. The most common comment that we get from his followers….”Drew’s art makes me smile” and making people smile seems to be his driving force.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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