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Harry Collins
Mixed Media Artist

Harry Collins

Mixed Media Artist


London. ‘Zen art is also an awakening”. Zenga is a Japanese term used to describe painting and calligraphy by Zen monks, from 1600 to present. The works created by these monks were neither for aesthetic or monetary value, but rather to aid in the essence of meditation and enlightenment. The style of painting, unlike a majority of any other religion painting is dramatically bold, immediate and unintentional. This style of painting draws on another buddhist concept referred to as Enso, which draws upon connecting mind and body through singular movements. These marks are unaltered or modified, and draw upon acceptance of transience and imperfection. These concepts behind imperfection are at the core of my pieces, where I look to use painting as a form of meditation rather than desired outcome. My paintings mainly use acrylic, ink, canvas and cotton paper. I like to use vibrant colours, such as pink, blue and orange in order to produce energetic abstractions.


More info

M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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