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Rudiansyah, a.k.a Rudi Asbount in the media social, is a manual painter who focuses on the surrealism genre of painting. He started his involvement in painting in 2000, creating works that have gained recognition not only in his hometown of Pontianak, but also na-tionally in Indonesia. This can be seen from his participation in various exhibitions outside of West Kalimantan province, including at the Indonesia National Gallery. And most re-cently his work was exhibited abroad in Kuching, Malaysia, in an exhibition titled "Sak-art". Despite being self-taught, his works have captured international attention due to the unique forms, colors, and meanings presented in his artwork.

The concept of my work is Water. Water as my inspiration is a human object with distortions forming waves or splashing water, this gives me freedom in art. Water has taught me to know the meaning of life, namely patience, determination, humility, every human figure always wavy brush strokes give the rhythm of water waves. I also put the electronic element into my work. This is a symbol of the progress of knowledge that has been achieved by humans. Which has an impact on the dependence of human life on technology. Whether this technology will make hu-mans forget their true nature as a social creature. That's what tickled me to arouse our aware-ness as humans.


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