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Iretiar Iretiar born Charline on 08/15/1976. I have 3 children. I started painting in the 2000s to pave the way for my childhood wounds, and today it soothes and transports me. Technically influenced without perceiving it for a moment at the very beginning of my current works by a marked Fauvism, in the middle of their designs I cover them with a pure pigment in the most carnal places inflicting them a movement more than a constraint. The fragility of women is matched only by a few men, the weakness of some is strength of some. Also, the horn is a defense that I thought at first offensive and then gradually took on its true meaning in my mind ... which was brought up only by women. My last exhibition in Aix-en-Provence and the good reviews encouraged me. The Camargue bull, a central figure in the region who adopted me, is undoubtedly not completely foreign to my paintings.


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