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Louie Wure
Digital Artist

Louie Wure

Digital Artist


My name is Emilio Wurmser, and I’m Louie Wure.
Louie Wure was born as an alter ego with a big burning desire of creating art without borders by the own self judgement of being criticized by my real life identity. I was looking for a way out to express myself without the self pressure of being liked or noticed. Going through the free expression my mind created on 2021 after releasing music as Emiliows, I felt my music didn’t actually manifested clearly my whole essence. It only captured some parts of my mind and I was in need for expressing so many other parts of my mind as well, and out of a sudden I started making collages without noticing, trying to figure out what goes on in my mind. By January 2022 I was very passionate about making collages, meanwhile I was starting a new career in the university (Product Design). This career has shown me so far other skills to perform more art and several kind of products with art. My vision is to create innovative products using art pointing surrealism into something that could get to become real as a tool to solve different types of issues in society or lifestyle basis in the future.


M.A.D.S. Art Gallery SL Unipersonal - C.I.F. B 05303862

38670 Adeje - Tenerife Islas - Spain

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