Linda Samuels
Linda Samuels
From paint to canvas to passion, allowing herself to feel so that she can get to the dark places is where her true inspiration is born. This is what drives Canadian based artist, Linda Samuels. Originally from Montreal QC, she has since set her roots down in beautiful Kingston, ON.
Linda’s work is often vulnerable yet empowering. Her paintings are created using acrylic mixed media and can have collage, texture along with a variety of inks added for depth. She digs deep within herself, going to places that she would rather not vis-it, but these are the places where she can capture the raw emotion this is often felt in her work.
There are times where Linda will create soft and serene, almost whimsical watercol-or pieces. This keeps her with a healthy mindset and allows her the balance to con-tinue digging into her journey.
“I want to achieve a sense of purpose, of strength in my work. For when someone sees it, they can feel the emotion from the canvas direct to their soul.” – Linda Samuels